Maaß, Torsten: Funky T.

ArticleNr. SWR10695Streaming/Download5:15 minBooklet languagegermanenglish
Year recorded
Year published
Torsten Maaß
Torsten Maaß
SWR Big Band
Funky T.
The established trumpeter Torsten Maaß has been working for many years with numerous big bands as a composer, arranger and guest conductor. He arranged for productions with Max Mutzke, Clueso, Ack van Rooyen and many more. Under his direction, the SWR Big Band played and recorded a selection of his life-inspired works - stylistically between modern mainstream and Bob Brookmeyer, in whose New Art Orchestra he was a founding member as a trumpeter. The present Single "Funky T." is part of the album "Music written by real life" (Part II) due in December 2023.