Maaß, Torsten: Music Written by Real Life (Pt. I)

ArticleNr. SWR10690Streaming/Download35:39 minBooklet languagegermanenglish
Year recorded
Year published
Torsten Maaß
Torsten Maaß
SWR Big Band
1. Sir Charles' Teatime
2. Basie Day
3. It´s Only Life
4. Lester Left Town
5. 'D' Is To Drive
6. The Fluffer
The established trumpeter Torsten Maaß has been working for many years with numerous big bands as a composer, arranger and guest conductor. He arranged for productions with Max Mutzke, Clueso, Ack van Rooyen and many more. Under his direction, the SWR Big Band played and recorded a selection of his life-inspired works - stylistically between modern mainstream and Bob Brookmeyer, in whose New Art Orchestra he was a founding member as a trumpeter. The present album, "Music written by real life", ist the first of two parts, with second being due in December 2023.